Owns an apartment in the center of Kyiv, not far from the train station
Top floor of a new building
Combined 2 large apartments to make a very large apartment
Lesia, his wife, designed and decorated it
Large eat in kitchen (seats 12 comfortably)
Large living room
Two bedrooms
Two bath plus wooden sauna
Large entryway foyer
Two balconies
Built in fish tank between kitchen and living room
Plus space for rowing machine and elliptical trainer in alcove (with window) just outside the door to the apartment
24-hour doorman and security
Now Work:
Runs TeleRadioKurier, a multi-media business-to-business publisher
Industry journal 6x per year
Trade show 2x per year
TV festival 1x per year
Publishes books as needed
Employs 6 people full-time plus freelancers
Trade show has been run 15 times
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